Monday 5 March 2012

Say No To Fakery

This post is directed towards the fakes of the world.
I'm talking about anything from fake nails to fake personalities.
I'm talking about the people who feel "naked" without an inch of make-up on their face.
I find it quite sad really, to think that some people are so delusional about what other people think, and so addicted to those thoughts, that they actually deform themselves.
The history of humans using make-up spans at least 6000 years. The Egyptians used copper and lead ore to create cosmetics, and people were changing their appearences before that, with ash and berry juices. Over the centuries, women used burnt matches to darken their eyes, berries to stain their lips and young boy's urine to fade their freckles. They even swallowed ox blood in some misguided attempt to improve their complextions.
Women, and a minority of men, throughout history have risked their health with homemade cosmetics. In some cultures, they used lead, arsnic, mercury, and even leeches to give themselves the 'pale' apearence that was deemed so beautiful long ago.
Nowadays, instead of poisoning themselves with lead and mercury, they use products full of chemicals they can't pronuce, that are tested on animals that they don't care to think about.
But society's 'thirst' for beauty doesn't stop at meer cosmetics, no. It goes on to crave surgical procediures that perminantly change the patient's appearance, and very often go wrong. Anyone who's been reading or watching the news will remeber the problems of the 'PIP silicone-based breast implants'. This was when the french-based company PIP (Poly Implant Prothese)used "low quility material (industrial silicone)" in thier inmplants. These "low-quility material" implants ruptured, causing accute pain and infalmmation. This is only one example of what goes wrong with cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgery can be anything from the breast implants mentioned above, to penile enlargements and cosmetic gynaecology. I find it really sad that people are so unhappy with their bodies that they are willing to go through acute pain, scarring, and less than garenteed good results to change them.
The Cosmetics and Cosmetic Surgery industries make billions of what ever currency is envolved every year. Imagine what this money could be used for instead.
That money could cure cancer. Poverty. Famine. Even war. But no. Instead, it makes products that are used then thrown away. It perminantly scars people's bodies. It causes depression, poverty ,and pain. It even kills people.
So please, dear readers. Say no to fakery.
~ Rosie Thorne

Saturday 28 January 2012

Stop Dancing On Chivalry's Grave

We now live in a world where chivalry has been hounded to extinction.

For those of you who don't understand what the concept of chivalry is, or want to learn more about it, here's some information I found (The History Bit):

The Knights Code of Chivalry was part of the culture of the Middle Ages and was understood by all. A Code of Chivalry was documented in 'The Song of Roland' in the Middle Ages Knights period of William the Conqueror ,who ruled England from 1066.
The Knights Code of Chivalry consists of a series of vows, such as;
  • To protect the weak and defenceless
  • To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
  • To live by honour and for glory
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To eschew (to abstain from) unfairness, meanness and deceit
  • To keep faith
  • At all times to speak the truth
  • To respect the honour of women
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but these aren't exactly common place in the 'Dude Rules' nowadays.

Nowadays, the biggest reasons for getting into a fight are crossings of territorial boundaries.
Yes, I'm talking about fighting over food, drink, land, and mating rights, just like any other animal on earth. Pop over to the discovery channel- you'll see my point.
You see, the problem is that 'The more things change, the more they stay the same'. Damn truth.

My real problem with today's carriers of the 'Y' chromosome isn't the fact that chivalry is non-existent. I'd be able to ignore the void if the Misters didn't throw trash at it. The young ones are the most notorious trash-throwers of them all.

It's not just the occasional name-calling or hair pulling that's common behaviour for the younger years. It's then the more constant stream of innuendos and dirty jokes when they discover how to make a girl blush, or the eyes that never rest where they respectfully should in the early teen years.
In the late teens they start to go all 'manly', and if they haven't fought for territory already, they certainly will now.
They become determined to create tough exteriors, whilst the slightest miss hit of a joke can bruise them like pinching a petal.
When they feel they need attention, they don't go about the old ways of 'wooing'. No, they cause trouble, insult the very people who's attention they crave, somehow thinking that rudeness will get them further than a kind word, a harmless helping hand, or even a smile along few words of polite conversation. Well I'm telling you now. It won't, and never will.

The men I'm talking about now are just the majority of the male population.
There may be some hope yet for old chivalry...
Hey, a girl can dream..
Rosie Thorne

Friday 27 January 2012

Are You Trying To Kill Your Students?

Dear High School Teachers,
Do you hate your students so much that you want them all to kill themselves?
You give your students lectures about mental health, and hang posters around your school telling us to 'Let It Out' or to 'Talk To Someone' about depression, anxiety etc..
But what you don't seem to realise is that you are the root of the problem.
You don't seem to understand that Teenagers are very emotionally unstable, and 'All it takes is a little push'. Well, you supply the 'pushes' tenfold.
You seem happy to create a syllabus to consists of subject matters like Death, Disease, Death, Poverty, Death, Ethical Controversy, Death, and so on, until if they weren't feeling depressed or unstable, whilst trying to juggle the weight of everything else going on in their lives on there shoulders, they certainly are when you're done with them!
And it's not just the Teenagers you attack with your depressing subject matters and creepy, touchy feely moments when you remember you should be supporting them.
Its the Tweenagers too!
Up until the age of eleven, children live cosy, sheltered lives away from the harsh reality of society. But then they move on to High School, and it's open season!
Twelve year-olds are bombarded with the likes of 'The Lord of the Flies' and books filled with depressing poems. And that's just in English!
Thirteen year-olds are force-fed 'The Merchant of Venice' in English, and in History they learn about The Holocaust. In what you now call 'Philosophy, Religion and Ethics' you learn about The Holocaust,
and when you feel like backing of the workload, you shove films like 'Hotel Rwanda' and 'The Boy in Striped Pajamas' down their throats.
In Italian you forced us to watch 'Io Non Ho Paura' (I Am Not Scared), a story about the brutal kidnapping and treatment of a little boy, who is kept in a whole in the ground. Really Upbeat.
In French you made us watch 'Aurevoir Les Enfents' (Goodbye Children), a story about Jewish children being rounded up at a boarding school to be shipped off the the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. That obviously made everyone feel all warm and fuzzy. Obviously.
I don't expect today youth to be learning about the breeding cycle of Golden-Hoofed Unicorns in Biology, or how to find the end of a rainbow in Physics. But you could at least make an effort to lighten up a bit.
Think of it as an insurance policy. If none of your students become medically depressed or commit suicide, you get to carry on with the way you are teaching.
But if one, only one child who you have taught with your depressing manner and syllabus does become depressed, commits suicide, or even commits murder, the government, or the people, depending on the case, will take your job first. Then you will be weighed, you will be measured, and, I guarantee you, you will be found wanting.
So it seems pretty simple to me- Stop. Trying. To. Kill. Your. Students. Because if you comply, we'll all get along swimmingly.
You have been warned.
Rosie Thorne.

Thursday 26 January 2012

A New Beginning

Hello, and welcome to Thorne's Edge!
I am Rosie Thorne, and this is my blog.
You may have worked that out already. If you have, congratulations! I would give you a medal or a gold star, but I seem to have run out.
Deal with it, darling.
I had been thinking about creating a blog, and Ta Da! Here it is!
I will try to post things regularly, but I won't make any guarantees.
I warn you, dear reader, that I will be inclined to vent about everything and anything I want to.
I probably will.
I will not mention people on here by there true names, however, I will not promise to make their nicknames subtle.
I promise not to talk in third person- I know how annoying it is.
The lengths of my posts will vary. If a particular post is too short to your liking, please tell me, and I may revisit it and expand upon it.
I love hearing people's points of view, so please, comment!
Please share Thorne's Edge with your friends, as the larger the audience, the happier I'll be, and probably the more posts I will write.
I hope to create a Facebook page or profile for either me or this blog. I will consult a Techy, and see what he/she can do.
Bye for now.. I'll be back
Rosie Thorne