Friday 27 January 2012

Are You Trying To Kill Your Students?

Dear High School Teachers,
Do you hate your students so much that you want them all to kill themselves?
You give your students lectures about mental health, and hang posters around your school telling us to 'Let It Out' or to 'Talk To Someone' about depression, anxiety etc..
But what you don't seem to realise is that you are the root of the problem.
You don't seem to understand that Teenagers are very emotionally unstable, and 'All it takes is a little push'. Well, you supply the 'pushes' tenfold.
You seem happy to create a syllabus to consists of subject matters like Death, Disease, Death, Poverty, Death, Ethical Controversy, Death, and so on, until if they weren't feeling depressed or unstable, whilst trying to juggle the weight of everything else going on in their lives on there shoulders, they certainly are when you're done with them!
And it's not just the Teenagers you attack with your depressing subject matters and creepy, touchy feely moments when you remember you should be supporting them.
Its the Tweenagers too!
Up until the age of eleven, children live cosy, sheltered lives away from the harsh reality of society. But then they move on to High School, and it's open season!
Twelve year-olds are bombarded with the likes of 'The Lord of the Flies' and books filled with depressing poems. And that's just in English!
Thirteen year-olds are force-fed 'The Merchant of Venice' in English, and in History they learn about The Holocaust. In what you now call 'Philosophy, Religion and Ethics' you learn about The Holocaust,
and when you feel like backing of the workload, you shove films like 'Hotel Rwanda' and 'The Boy in Striped Pajamas' down their throats.
In Italian you forced us to watch 'Io Non Ho Paura' (I Am Not Scared), a story about the brutal kidnapping and treatment of a little boy, who is kept in a whole in the ground. Really Upbeat.
In French you made us watch 'Aurevoir Les Enfents' (Goodbye Children), a story about Jewish children being rounded up at a boarding school to be shipped off the the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. That obviously made everyone feel all warm and fuzzy. Obviously.
I don't expect today youth to be learning about the breeding cycle of Golden-Hoofed Unicorns in Biology, or how to find the end of a rainbow in Physics. But you could at least make an effort to lighten up a bit.
Think of it as an insurance policy. If none of your students become medically depressed or commit suicide, you get to carry on with the way you are teaching.
But if one, only one child who you have taught with your depressing manner and syllabus does become depressed, commits suicide, or even commits murder, the government, or the people, depending on the case, will take your job first. Then you will be weighed, you will be measured, and, I guarantee you, you will be found wanting.
So it seems pretty simple to me- Stop. Trying. To. Kill. Your. Students. Because if you comply, we'll all get along swimmingly.
You have been warned.
Rosie Thorne.


  1. Not to mention those long months of playing hockey in minus temperatures.


  2. Well said girl, completely agree with every word. Keep it up and maybe we can change the evil teachers' minds!
